
Species Planted

  • Common Name

    Scientific Name
    Menispermum canadense

    # Planted

  • Common Name

    Scientific Name
    Viburnum rafinesquianum

    # Planted

Total Planted to Date: 12

2021 Monitoring Notes

Species # of plants remaining Height of plants Condition of Plants
Moonseed 2 Above Fence Excellent / Thriving
Arrowwood 7 Below Fence Good / Surviving
Plum 8 Above Fence Excellent / Thriving
Cage Notes:

Monitored on 7/28/21 by LM & KK. Moonseed is growing on the back fence. The arrowwoods were difficult to find and count with all of the buckthorn and poison ivy growing in the cage. There may be 8 plants. Plums are not on the checklist. Most of them were growing along the front of the cage. There was evidence of deer browsing on the plums. There is much buckthorn to be cut and treated in and behind the cage.

Date Entered: July 29, 2021

2020 Monitoring Notes

Species # of plants remaining Height of plants Condition of Plants
Moonseed 2 Fence Height Good / Surviving
Arrowwood 9 Below Fence Good / Surviving

Additional Details

Monitoring Notes


Moonseed 2 alive. FH/G on back fence. Arrowwood 9 alive. BF/G Insect holes Need herbicide for tree stumps. 2 Prunus sp. found


Moonseed - ?; could not find Arrowwood 9 alive. BF/G

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