
Species Planted

  • Common Name
    Silky Dogwood

    Scientific Name
    Cornus obliqua

    # Planted

Total Planted to Date: 6

2021 Monitoring Notes

Species # of plants remaining Height of plants Condition of Plants
Silky Dogwood 6 Above Fence Excellent / Thriving
Cage Notes:

Monitored on 5/26/21 by LM & MM. Plants range from good to excellent. The cage has a lot of poison ivy and some golden alexanders. There is one very bent pole and the fence has been bent several times. It is time for some attention.

Date Entered: July 12, 2021

2020 Monitoring Notes

Species # of plants remaining Height of plants Condition of Plants
Silky Dogwood 6 Above Fence Excellent / Thriving

3 were above fence height and 3 nearly fence height. Mostly poison ivy and golden alexanders in cage. Checked 6/25/20

2019 Monitoring Notes

Species # of plants remaining Height of plants Condition of Plants
Silky Dogwood 6 Fence Height Good / Surviving

7/ 7/19 Half were fence high and half were below the fence. The middle bush had a branch laying on the ground and new roots were developing. LM & DM

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