
Species Planted

  • Common Name
    Downy Hawthorn

    Scientific Name
    Crataegus mollis

    # Planted

Replanting Notes

  • Date Planted

    Common Name
    Dwarf Honeysuckle

    Scientific Name
    Diervilla lonicera

    # Planted

Total Planted to Date: 4

2021 Monitoring Notes

Species # of plants remaining Height of plants Condition of Plants
Dwarf Honeysuckle 3 Below Fence Excellent / Thriving
Gooseberry 2 Below Fence Excellent / Thriving
Hazelnut 2 Fence Height Excellent / Thriving
Downy Hawthorn 1 Fence Height Excellent / Thriving
Cage Notes:

monitored March 30, 2021, by -jrrs & LM Three 2020 Dwarf Honeysuckle look good One Downy Hawthorn cage high and healthy, which is a rarity for LaBagh Downy Hawthorn This cage has not been properly entered in my mind, it had more originally planted in it that master notes indicate: 2 Prickly Gooseberry in cage, both healthy 2 Hazelnut at fence height and healthy Need to watch the Gray Dogwood in cage, as it can get aggressive Two larger Red Oak in cage, both already half fence high, maybe move one out?

Date Entered: July 2, 2021

Cockspur Hawthorn 1 Above Fence Excellent / Thriving
Dwarf Honeysuckle 1 Above Fence Excellent / Thriving
Witch Hazel 2 Above Fence Excellent / Thriving
Cage Notes:

Monitored on 8/4/21 by MM & LM. A recheck of this cage found the following changes/corrections: The hawthorn is a cockspur, not a downy. Only 1 dwarf honeysuckle was found instead of 3. (drought?) What was recorded as 2 hazelnuts are actually 2 witch hazels.

Date Entered: August 5, 2021

2020 Monitoring Notes

Species # of plants remaining Height of plants Condition of Plants
Downy Hawthorn 1 Below Fence Good / Surviving

Additional Details

Monitoring Notes


1 downy hawthorn almost FH/G, 2 witch hazels, 2 oak sprouts, several volunteer dogwood & 1 Similax, 2 gooseberry

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