
Species Planted

  • Common Name
    Red-Osier Dogwood

    Scientific Name
    Cornus sericea

    # Planted

  • Common Name

    Scientific Name
    Sambucus canadensis

    # Planted

  • Common Name
    Witch Hazel

    Scientific Name
    Hamamelis virginiana

    # Planted

Original Planting Notes
It's not known if 008-16S is the correct ID for this peanut

Total Planted to Date: 12

2021 Monitoring Notes

Species # of plants remaining Height of plants Condition of Plants
Silky Dogwood 5 Above Fence Excellent / Thriving
Elderberry 1 Above Fence Poor / Struggling
Cage Notes:

monitored on July 16, 2021, by -jrrs. Cage has huge ash downfall on it, has for more than a year. Downfall put a now damaged Boxelder into and around cage (as well as R04-017, which is un-monitor-able until cleaned of deadfall). Silky / Blue-fruited Dogwood look great, what remains. Guessing more are in cage I just can’t see. Elderberry is above cage, but shadowed out by robust BFD. Relocate across path in fall.

Date Entered: July 16, 2021

Additional Details

Monitoring Notes


Couldn't inventory. Tree took out cage on two sides. Cage full; plants way overhead.

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Weeding Notes

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