
Species Planted

  • Common Name
    Silky Dogwood

    Scientific Name
    Cornus obliqua

    # Planted

  • Common Name
    Witch Hazel

    Scientific Name
    Hamamelis virginiana

    # Planted

Total Planted to Date: 12

2021 Monitoring Notes

Species # of plants remaining Height of plants Condition of Plants
Silky Dogwood 10 Above Fence Excellent / Thriving
Witch Hazel 0 Below Fence Poor / Struggling
Cage Notes:

monitored July 16, 2021, by -jrrs. Grouping of 10 just west of slough drainage outlet thriving, flowering and full of green fruit. No Witch Hazel located Some ash and buckthorn in and around cage to remove.

Date Entered: July 16, 2021

Additional Details

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Peanut requires fence repair, weeding etc.


Weeding Notes

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