
Species Planted

  • Common Name

    Scientific Name
    Corylus americana

    # Planted

  • Common Name
    Yellow Honeysuckle

    Scientific Name
    Lonicera reticulata

    # Planted

  • Common Name
    Downy Hawthorn

    Scientific Name
    Crataegus mollis

    # Planted

Replanting Notes

  • Date Planted

    Common Name

    Scientific Name
    Ostrya virginiana

    # Planted

Total Planted to Date: 11

2021 Monitoring Notes

Species # of plants remaining Height of plants Condition of Plants
Hazelnut 7 Above Fence Excellent / Thriving
Gooseberry 0 Above Fence Excellent / Thriving
Downy Hawthorn 1 Fence Height Good / Surviving
Yellow Honeysuckle 2 Above Fence Excellent / Thriving
Ironwood 0 Above Fence Excellent / Thriving
Cage Notes:

Monitored on 8/21/21 by LM & MM. There was a single ironwood in a separate cage outside this cage. The hazelnuts are spreading--7 was a minimum estimate on the number of plants. Grape honeysuckle was fruiting. Lots of good native wildflowers in the cage, including tall joepye weed. Cage is getting lots of sun.

Date Entered: August 23, 2021

2020 Monitoring Notes

Species # of plants remaining Height of plants Condition of Plants
Hazelnut 7 Above Fence Excellent / Thriving
Downy Hawthorn 1 Fence Height Poor / Struggling
Ironwood 1 Below Fence Good / Surviving

Additional Details

Monitoring Notes


Hazelnut 7: AF/E with nuts Downy hawthorn 1: FH/S Ironwood 1: BF/G NOTE: Honeysuckle not on 2020 checklist; not observed but may be there

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